Thursday, September 22, 2011

If You Must Sell Your Home in this Market

If You Must Sell Your Home in This Market
Most will agree this is NOT the time to sell your home. But what if you just got a job transfer? What if your family is growing and you need a bigger home? What should you do to get the most For your property?
First, make sure you choose a Realtor who knows the market in your area, someone from a large office That has market share in your community. You are not only hiring that agent, but the office, and it can make a big difference if they have a team they can share the listing with since each of those agents has active buyers. The agent should show you comparables that back up the price they suggest for your home.
Choose an agent who knows how to capitalize on internet marketing and knows how to get your property noticed by the masses. Of course, you will want professional photos and slide shows or virtual tours but don’t forget the strength of video when it comes to search engine optimization.
You will also want to have your home put its “best face forward”…..spruce up the landscaping for curb appeal (you can’t sell it if no one will even go through your door). And speaking of that front door, how about a fresh coat of paint? You may never use that door since you come in through the garage, so go out front and take a good look. Imagine you are that buyer seeing your home for the first time. Some bright flowers will go a long way. Declutter so they will see the house and not your “stuff”, wash windows to let that sun shine in! No one likes a dark home….pull those drapes back. And I have been known to say “if you can smell it, you can’t sell it”. Have a friend come by and be brutally honest and let you know if they notice any odors (pets?). You may not notice it because your nose has become accustomed to it!
The real winners in the market are those who can take advantage of the tremendous deals that are available. If you are upsizing, you come out way ahead. You may get 20% less on your current home (for example $40k less on a home that was previously $200k), but if you save 20% on the bigger one ($60k on a $300k home!) you come out on the plus side. Many of my clients have been amazed at what they could buy today. They are living in homes nicer than they ever imagined they could own. Let me help YOU too….call Bonnie today (813) 390-7606.

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