Monday, May 31, 2010

Hello Anglers,

It appears that we have rapidly gotten to our summer temps and I for one could not be happier. Every time I start to feel uncomfortable with the warmer temps I reflect back to January and it seems to feel better all of a sudden. May was a good month with the Mackerel and Trout bite continuing to be very strong. I look for June to continue to be a great month for Mackerel and Trout. In the past few days I have found a Shark bite that is almost non stop with 4-5 foot Black tips and Reef(sand) Sharks. I have not ran many Tarpon trips but I have been seeing them roll and anticipate a good bite in June. The Snook and Redfish bite should be fair during June but water temps will be high and they will be an early or late in the day target. If bottom fishing is your game you will like the summer as the Mangrove Snapper should be aggressive. Gag Grouper and Red Grouper are another option if bottom fishing is what you like. June is a great month to get out and enjoy the fun that Tampa Bay has to offer.
For those of you that keep up with Reel Simple Fishing Adventures thru the Laker or Lutz paper I will no longer be writing for them. Thanks for reading.

I would like to thank the ones that sent in a recipe for me to add to this forecast. I will be using them in the order that I get them and sending the submitter a discount coupon for their next outing. This month we have a recipe for Ceviche from Joe Postorino. Thanks Joe, your discount coupon is in the mail.

I have Fathers Day gift certificates available for anyone interested in giving their father a special day on the water. Anyone bringing their child and their father out on a trip will get a 10% discount on the trip.

Until next time, good luck and be safe on the water. Remember don't let your kid be the one that got away, take them fishing.


Capt. Ric Liles
Co-Host - Outdoor Fishing Adventures, ESPN Radio

Friday, May 28, 2010

Happy Memorial Day thanks Congress!!

Below is an Important Message from John Sebree, Vice President of Public Policy, Florida REALTORS®:

Congress is still trying to avoid a lapse in the National Flood Insurance Program. The program will expire on May 31, 2010 unless Congress reaches an agreement on an extension before adjourning for the Memorial Day recess. The best information we have received from our Congressional allies is that it is likely an agreement WILL NOT BE REACHED before the expiration.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Apollo Beach Awesome Waterfront!!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Tampa to Host RNC after 4 Superbowls***

The official word: Tampa in 2012

RnscIMG_0112 OXON Hill, Md. -- Tampa has just been selected as the site of the 2012 Republican National Convention. The decision was unanimous.

"We're taking our place in history," said an exuberant Norwood Smith, vice president of sales for Tampa Bay & Co., among the Floridians who came here for the decision.

"The Tampa area boasts state-of-the-art facilities, exciting and vibrant downtowns, and a clear enthusiasm from the community to host our convention," said RNC Chairman Michael Steele.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


Five Key Areas to Pay Attention to When Buying a Home

Looking for a new home can be exciting and frustrating. You can help alleviate the frustration by paying close attention to five key areas of the homes you're considering buying; it may save you money in the long run.

Don Walker is an inspector and owner of Ace Home Inspections. He says there are five areas in homes that he frequently reports problems with. They are electrical, foundation, plumbing, the attic, and landscaping.


Walker says sometimes homeowners assume with newer homes that all will work just fine but that's often not the case. "I inspected a brand new house—four years old but the electrical was all done incorrectly," says Walker.

Having a complete home inspection will help to rule out any problems and point out any areas of concern. However, even as you're browsing homes, buyers can start to make note of the key areas that Walker mentioned, such as the foundation.


Walker says a four-year-old home he inspected recently was already showing trouble signs which could result in a costly repair project. "It was a model home. What the homeowners did was plant trees for shade to make it look really nice, but they planted the wrong trees and they're going to crack the foundation and it's going to cut the property value down by $50,000," says Walker.

Walker says in the case of that home, the trees were causing micro-fractures in the tile in various locations of the home. "As you walk through the house, 21 feet in and 30 feet deep, there's just too much root invasion and it's going to ruin their tile," explains Walker.

He says some tell-tale signs with this home were the minor cracks in the foundation that were causing a lifting and separation of the foundation. Also, the windows were not opening and closing properly, "which means the foundation is moving."

However, just because you see cracks doesn't mean there is a foundation problem. "Most people don't understand that there are natural cracks in a house. That's why when we do an inspection report we have to look at it and say 'Okay, this is a typical crack and this one is an untypical crack,'" says Walker. He says some cracks may lead to other problems while others won't.


Walker says another big area of concern is the plumbing. It's an area that you can't always spot as easily but it can create expensive repairs if plumbing issues go either undetected or are not properly fixed. "Mold forms underneath sinks when people have a leak and they fix the pipe but they don't take care of the mold," says Walker.

He says things like caulking the sink can help prevent mold. "That's my number one thing I always find—bad sinks," says Walker.

He says that when you look at the sink, look behind it and most of the time you will discover a little crack. "What happens is, when you wash dishes or you wash your hands in the bathroom or the kitchen, the water gets in that crack and seeps down. Once the water gets behind the cabinet it's in a perfect position to create mold," says Walker. The dampness, humidity, and lack of light can turn that area beneath the sink into a mold-breeding ground.


"You can tell everything about the house by the attic," says Walker. He says other areas of the home can be covered up if a repair had occurred. For instance, if there was a leak and it damaged a wall, with the right contractors and repairs it can be made to look like new and, hopefully, function like new. But Walker says the attic is sort of the eyes to the soul of the home. "In the attic you can tell where all the damage has been," says Walker.

"If you're in a 20-year-old house and you see that the insulation is brand new, you know that there was a water leak because it had to be replaced," says Walker. He adds, "You can tell if the roof is good because you can look right at the wood."


"There should not be moisture or plants next to your house," says Walker. He says there should be a 12 inch barrier between the landscape and the house. Walker says otherwise you run the risk of having the foundation crack and affect the home. What happens is, as the landscape that is too close to the home is watered, the foundation and soil expand. Then, when no watering occurs, the foundation dries up and shrinks and this can cause it to crack.

Remember, knowledge is power, so learning about the home before you close the deal on it will keep you from making a mistake that may cost you extra out-of-pocket money later.

Written by Carla Davis

It is the Best time in History to buy waterfront properties in Florida -- Let me show you.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Hello Anglers,

What a month! April was fantastic and I look for good things to follow in May as well. The biggest catches in April came at the expense of Trout and Spanish Mackerel. When the winds allowed us to get to the fish the bite was steady. I think we were able to get a few junior anglers hooked on the sport of fishing with all the rod bending that we had. You gotta love that. I am looking forward to May as I know the Tarpon are on their way. There are a few Tarpon here now but the bulk has not arrived yet. Water temps are still below normal but I saw 80 degrees on Sunday. The Grouper bite should stay pretty good. April was good but May should be better. The Redfish bite has increased and that just adds another play to the playbook. After the bitter cold Winter I was a little concerned about the state of our fishery but I feel much better now and only have concerns about our Snook. We are catching Snook just not as many as normal. One of my main concerns was how the bait would be effected, no worries there. The bait seems to be plentiful and healthy. Until next time, good luck and be safe on the water. Remember: don't let your kid be the one that got away, take them fishing.

I want to start sending a nice fish recipe with each forecast in the future. If you have one that you would like to share send it to me and I will put it in the report.


Capt. Ric Liles
Co-Host - Outdoor Fishing Adventures, ESPN Radio

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Saturday, May 1, 2010

Remodeling a Home Built Before 1978 Requires a Certified Lead Contractor

Getting the lead out of your home may be tough to do, according to the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB). We've known for a long while now that lead paint is hazardous to our health. Lead paint can be very dangerous to children if they inhale or ingest it. It can cause damage to their brains and nervous systems. However, removing it may be difficult.

The NAHB says that a shortage of Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) accredited trainers may stall some remodeling projects in homes where lead is present. A new regulation by the U.S. EPA went into effect last month (April 22, 2010) that requires all contractors working in homes built before lead paint was banned in 1978 to be trained and certified under the Lead Paint: Renovation, Repair, and Painting Rule (LRRP).

"We've gotten the word out to our members and they understand the new requirements and are working hard to get certified by the deadline," said Donna Shirey, CGR, CAPS, CGP, president of Shirey Contracting in Issaquah, Wash., and 2010 chair of NAHB Remodelers in a recent press statement. The NAHB is doing its part to ensure that remodelers are ready, but it still might not be enough to meet the remodeling industry's needs. "Our local home building associations are offering certification classes to their members, but EPA hasn't approved enough trainers to enable our members and other contractors to be certified on time, and that's going to put remodelers and their customers in quite a bind."

The purpose of the regulation is to reduce the potential exposure to lead paint that may occur when a home that was built before 1978 is remodeled. The regulation isn't limited to just remodelers. Other contractors who must become certified include carpenters, plumbers, heating and air conditioning workers, and window installers. The NAHB is sending out a word of caution, since the EPA has approved only 135 training providers and certified about 14,000 renovators in lead-safe work practices. However, according to NAHB, the EPA's own estimates indicated that more than 200,000 contractors must be trained and certified.

NAHB writes in a press statement that the shortage of trainers can cause big problems for homeowners. "This will severely limit the number of remodelers able to work in older homes and will open the door to more fly-by-night contractors who will skip the training, skirt the law and put home owners at risk." "EPA must extend the deadline so that consumers can find trained and certified remodelers for their projects. I talked to a group of our West Virginia members who had to travel all the way to Atlanta to take the training sessions because there are no trainers in their own state," Shirey said.

The new regulation issued in 2008 is rapidly approaching the certification deadline for contractors. The regulation requires contractors to take an eight-hour training course which includes a PowerPoint presentation, hands-on training, and a 25-question quiz. The training is designed to show workers how to handle and contain hazardous lead-based debris. If lead-based debris/dust gets into the air and is breathed in or ingested, it can cause severe health issues.

According to the EPA, lead is more dangerous to children and can negatively impact their brains and nervous systems (which are more sensitive than adults). Also, children tend to absorb lead more easily because they frequently put their hands in their mouths.

Adults exposed to lead paint risk suffering from reproductive issues, nerve disorders, concentration problems, high blood pressure, joint pain, and more.

The EPA recommends that homeowners of homes built before 1978 have their homes inspected for any lead-based paint issues. Typically, lead-based paint that is not chipping and is in good condition is not hazardous to your health.

Written by Phoebe Chongchua

It is the Best time in History to buy waterfront properties in Florida -- Let me show you.